The First Bitcoin Circular Economy

El Salvador - El Zonte & Punta Mango


Special Events

What is happening in Bitcoin around the world
October 25, 2024

Lugano Plan B

Lugano, Switzerland
November 15, 2024

Adopting BTC

San Salvador
November 16, 2024

Bitcoin Beach Festival

Shred House, El Zonte
All events

Introducing a Bitcoin Economic Ecosystem

We believe that if a local economy is created with the support of Bitcoin, new opportunities will open up for the community members
The project Bitcoin Beach is creating a sustainable Bitcoin Economic ecosystem on the coast of El Salvador, where the majority of people do not have access to bank accounts and the local businesses could never qualify for merchant accounts needed to accept credit cards. From the early days, Bitcoin promised to allow us to bank the unbanked, and return power back from governments and financial institutions to the individual. However, until recent, this promise has remained elusive. Bitcoin Beach is a movement to make sure the true potential of Bitcoin is realized, and that those who have been excluded from the banking system are the primary beneficiaries. Backed by the donation of an anonymous early Bitcoin adopter, Bitcoin Beach has made it its mission to prove that Bitcoin could have the biggest impact on the lives of those that society often ignores.

Our work
 is just getting started

Bitcoin Beach is a locally led Salvadoran initiative. We do not convert Bitcoin donations to fiat. We use all Bitcoin donations to pay Bitcoin stipends to locals participating in the work we do.
 Bitcoin Beach has brought together talented entrepreneurial community members to make sure all our efforts meet the real needs of the local community. Every month we help new local businesses and services begin to accept payment in Bitcoin. Locals can pay their Utility Bills (phone, water and electric), for medical care, food and even haircuts using Bitcoin over the Lightning Network.
Our work


Thanks to our


We work with a variety of businesses, government agencies, and non-profits to support the adoption of Bitcoin in El Salvador and around the world.
Palo Verde
El Salvador
Ministerio de Turismo
El Salvador
Olas Permanentes
El Salvador
Adopting Bitcoin
El Salvador
El Salvador
Tiankii App
El Salvador
Blink Wallet
El Salvador
Volcano Energy
El Salvador
Athena Bitcoin
Swan Bitcoin